Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013


1.    I may be happy with life now
2.    He may be the students who excel
3.    Anti may be very happy
4.    Maybe he took the wrong decision

5.    She may be a model student, if he always study hard

MAKE ANSWERS USING MAY, MIGHT, AND MAYBE (Latihan 5 page 98 no.5-7)

5. What does she have in her purse ?
I don’t know. She may have several credit cards. Or she might have a lot of coins. Maybe she’ll only have ID cards in her purse. Who knows ?

6. What does he have in his pants pockets ?
I don’t know. He may have a comb. Or he might have a box of cigarette. Maybe he’ll have a pack of bubble gum. Who knows ?

7. He/she isn’t in class today. Where is he/she ?

I don’t know. He/she may go to her family’s party. Or he/she might go to the doctor. Maybe he/she will play games in his/her home all day. Who knows ?

tugas bahasa inggris 1

1.       She always eat friedrice everyday, but today she is eating salad
2.       He always works at office, but now he is working at home
3.       Every night Wednesday I instruct silat, but night Wednesday Iam not instruction
4.       My father usually rides a car, but today he is taking a bus
5.       Anto study English every night, but now he is listening music
6.       Agas never come to campus, and now he is playing game online at computer
7.       Aji always write a letter for his girlfriend, but now is writing a letter for his mother
8.       Every morning I usually learn but today Iam cleaning my room
9.       I usually do not eat the evening but today Iam not having dinner
10.   Every beginning  of the mont there with martial arts training in the hermitage but now, Iam following this training

Senin, 20 Mei 2013

CONJUNCTIVE ADVERBS (Example Sentences Using Therefore, In addition, Nevertheless, Otherwise, and Meanwhile)

Therefore : The national exam will come; therefore, i have to study hard.
In addition : My mother is a beautifull woman; in addition, she is carefull.
Nevertheless : dana is not clever; nevertheless, he always studies hard.
Otherwise : You must sleep early; otherwise, you will late for exam.
Meanwhile : Agastian was working hard; meanwhile, ardi was doing nothing except watching television.

CONJUNCTIVE ADVERBS (Contrast, Condition, Comparison, Result)

a. Conjunctive adverbs of Contrast : When a sentence shows an unexpected result of another sentence.

However : showing general contrasts, used when you are saying something that is different from or contrasts with a previous statement. Example : Agas has one arm cause the accident last year, however he can beat Aji.

Nevertheless : showing unexpected results, in spite of what has just been said. Example :He has not family in the world,  nevertheless he always looks happy..

Still : showing unexpected results. Example : She has  not job, still  she can buy anything.

b. Conjunctive adverbs of Condition : The conjunctive adverb means “if not”, it’s used when the second sentence shows the result if the first sentence doesn’t happen.
Otherwise : means in a different way or manner. Example : You have to win from him, otherwise you cannot get a job

c. Conjuctive adverbs of Comparison : To compare things.
Likewise : means “in the same way”. Example : I hate him; likewise, he is enemy in the world

d. Conjunctive adverbs of Result : To explain result at that time at the same time besides.
Therefore : means for that reason or cause. Example : She studied hard; therefore, she got shcolarship

Consequently : means something that results from an event. Example : Adnan is a wonderful teacher; consequently, many parents want their children in her classroom.

Accordingly : means correspondingly Example : It rained very hard; accordingly, the soccer game was canceled.

Hence : means “so”. Example : She always go to school early; hence, she never late.

Thus : means “so”. Example : Eti is a diligent student; thus, she has a lot of friends.

Minggu, 21 April 2013

Tugas English 2

1. Did you watch silat event in padepokan TMII yesterday ?
2. Did your father to my house yesterday ?
3. Did you do  english task two days ago ?
4. Did you give me back my book yesterday ?
5. Did the match porwil ago you join the competition ?

tulisan Bahasa English 2

1. My friend is walking down moontain bromo

2. My friend is  walking up moontain bromo

Tugas English 1

1. Every 06.00 am I wake up ,but today 06.00 am I'm still sleeping
2. Every 08.00 am I go for collage ,but today 08.00 am Iam still at home
3. Every morning I have breakfast with porridge, but today I am eating friend rice
4. I usually don't eat the evening, but today I am not having dinner
5. Every 10.00 pm I sleep, but today 10.00 pm I am still waking up
6. Every day I usually wash cluthes, but today I am not washing clothes
7. Every night wednesday I instruct silat, but night wednesday I am not intructing
8. Every beginning of the month there with martial arts training in the hermitage, but now I am following this trainning
9. Every sunday morning I usually run, but this week I'am not running the morning
10. Every morning I usually learnd but today i am cleaning my room.

Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

Pemrograman Multimedia

Broadcasting   & Entertaiment
Di dalam broadcasting  & Entertainment adalah bagaimana membuat konten sebuah siaran Entertainment mulai dari praproduksi- produksi-pascaproduksi, jadi bukan hanya belajar secara teori saja namun di broadcasting mempelajari praktik bagaimana membuat sebuah tayangan/ konten hiburan yang menarik dan enak dilihat atau didengar, atau menurut teori ilmu komunikasi, bagaimana pesan yang disampaikan sampai kepada khalayak ramai/umum.
Research & Development
Research & Development adalah suatu proses atau langkah-langkah untuk mengembangkan suatu produk baru atau menyempurnakan produk yang telah ada. Dalam bidang multimedia, produk-produk yang dihasilkan melalui penelitian yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas pemorgraman multimedia ,
Health adalah suatu kios multimedia menyampaikan informasi tentang kesehatan seperti cara pengobatan , cara mencegah penyakit , cara menjaga kesehatan pasien yang sedang sakit

Minggu, 20 Januari 2013

Was Of Achieving Our Wishes

1. Pray
Pray is a request to god for something to be desired. If we want something we should ask who has the life.

2. Sure
Sure is a sense of confidence in god will rule. If we want something, we must be sure that we could have it.

3. Visualization
Visualization is where when we want something, we have to visualize it as we've got. visualization gives a positive effect on our spirit to get what we want.

4. Feel the happiness
When you have a desire to have something, you try to feel when you get it. feel the happiness for the success you.

5. Made ingredients
Create a means for the things you hope for is a way to smooth our your expectations were.

Habits Of Highly Effective

tugas bhs Inggris
1. Proactive is a human habit to perform the activities carried out on their own and to achieve it we have to work hard to mencapaindibagi into three is the proactive nature, Nurture like keeping behavior, choice when we cornered on an issue or a simple choice.
2. Think it can be interpreted as a decision-a decision that we take yourself to solve a problem or such issues that we need to think carefully to decide. Therefore, we should think carefully and rationally best to confront the problem.
3. First things first in A action in a habit to find the best we get. In terms of things like this the first being to put others down. But the first-the first that is able to work or do the real thing without falling or dropped only to achieve the success we want to achieve.
4. winner we should feel proud of the success and the effort that we have achieved for the wrong kemenangan.Kebiasaan of ourselves that we can get what we do and try your best. To get it is not by any means just for fun.
5. Seek First To Understand berosialisasi habit themselves in an environment where we live with our own environment and must try to understand the feelings of our friends without always understanding. And without very hard on the ego belongs to each of us so that we can always understand us and do the opposite.
6. Synergy is a process of mutual support between the two parties can produce positive habits so that progress can be achieved. And we must erusaha to achieve meaningful goals within ourselves without each other to prioritize the best.
7. Sharpen vision habit of doing something should carefully so that in the right circumstances to achieve something actions and ways of thinking that are not in a hurry to put the best position for an action.